Monday, September 23, 2013

365 Days of Happy - Day 267

I had a dream last night that I was being exiled to Houston, Texas, for some reason. I was wandering around the streets of Houston in my Delta Zeta sweatshirt and backpack when I came across a sorority house. It was huge! Like eight stories tall! 

I was homeless and decided I wanted to live there, so when three Delta Zeta sisters came out of the house and saw me, I declared that I would like to live with them in this magnificent house. Turns out that the mansion housed sorority women from all different sororities! It was like a Panhellenic Council house! Such a brilliant idea, I thought. If that isn't Greek unity, I don't know what is.

I've been on Panhellenic Council e-board for the past few months, and I absolutely love it. I've gotten to know women from different sororities and I even got a cross-campus little, something I've wanted ever since I joined a sorority five years ago!

Sorority recruitment just got over with, so now we can all breathe. One of our Greek advisors was telling us that sorority recruitment brings out the worst in affiliated women and the best in disaffiliated women. I was disaffiliated, which means I could not wear my letters or tell anyone which sorority I belonged to. All of PHC e-board was disaffiliated, along with 20 or so recruitment counselors. I was disaffiliated last year as a recruitment counselor as well.

I guess this post is just to say how much I love Greek life, Delta Zeta, my little Leah and my cross-campus Johanna, and everyone I became friends with during sorority recruitment this year. I'm also really proud of the PHC Facebook page and Twitter accounts I created. I've been having so much fun with this position so far and it's really reinforcing my love for Public Relations and social media management.

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