Sunday, November 10, 2013

365 Days of Happy - Day 315

Part I...

Here are some more photos I took of Nelson and Bre about three years ago. It was the first time I ever took pictures of a couple, and I couldn't have asked for a better couple to photograph.

Like I said, they got married on November 9! The wedding was in Minnesota, which is where Bre's family is from, so Ryan and I made a whole weekend out of the trip. 

We drove up to La Crosse on Friday afternoon and walked around Viterbo University on Saturday morning, which is where Ryan went to school for his first year before he transferred to UW-Whitewater. 

We drove up to a lookout and saw the entire city. La Crosse was one of the most beautiful cities I've ever been in! 

Their wedding was on Saturday afternoon in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, which is almost as beautiful as La Crosse. I went to two weddings this year: my sorority sister, Lauren's, in April, and Ryan's cousin, Oliver's, in October. I was a bridesmaid in my older sister Cary's wedding, about 8 years ago. I was even an assistant wedding photographer for Andrejka Photography two summers ago on Mackinac Island. 

I've been to my fair share of weddings, but I've never felt something so real like this one. I was definitely tearing up when Bre walked down the aisle and I could see Nelson's face, with tears in his eyes as well. I don't know how to explain it, but you get such a strong feeling when you see someone you love and truly want the best for get married. I'm so incredibly happy for Nelson and Bre.

I've never seen a love so strong and radiant such as theirs. No one deserves a better life than they do, and I can't wait to see everything they accomplish together.

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